The two drawings above are where I started at the very beginning of the project you can see here how the drawings improve as I work on the design for the painting.
I design my paintings in a sketch book first I always work this way then when im happy with the design I take the ideas into paint. Before I make my paintings there are usually many hours of sketch book work. I make figurative work I draw buildings and also things from nature to make my final pieces. This project is about having autism and living in a "fish bowl."I met a friend who wrote a poem called the "Goldfish bowl."It was very descriptive, and since I think in pictures the images came to mind and I decided to paint the poem. I cant write poetry but I can see the images it creates in my minds eye. The image of the street on the right is bugging me because in real life its ruler straight and the camera has distorted the perspective so that it looks inaccurate on here. The project itself, like I said is about autism. Like feeling trapped like being inside a goldfish bowl. Mood swinging from happy to sad, happy to sad, happy to sad like being on a swing one cannot get off. Telling the none autistics of the world the ones that do not understand we cannot help our differences over and over and over again covering the same old ground backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards until eventually you want to get off and puke. If you can imagine the muffled sounds and the claustrophobia if you lived inside a tank. I painted this to given none autistics an understanding of what it ''sometimes'' feels like for us living in the world of ''autism.'' It doesn't always swing from happy to sad some days its good and I am happy I don't want to give others a negative view of autism either there are good days too but the muffled sounds and misunderstandings do mostly occur. Next i will be finishing off the street drawing back at my studio then incorporating the new drawings onto the fist tank drawing.
14th April 2011
I was working in my sketch book again today still designing the painting as you can see by the above image ive been working on the perspective drawing of the street again. I think I will just leave the drawing as pencil next I will add the drawings from observation and the fish tank to the perspective drawing. I will then draw it a few times in different media to get it right then I will start adding the drawing to canvas. catch you later again. :o)
Here is the latest update of the above. I'm afraid its not a great shot im considering investing in a digital camera. You can see here how i was holding the phone which has again distorted the perspective. You can see from this the edge of the paper. The drawing is accurately straight mobile phones are not always wonderful for taking pictures. The whole drawing wouldn't fit into the camera screen as it is a very large A2 drawing so if you want to see all of the drawing in working progress i will have to show you it in sections.

Wed 20th April 2011
from painting including many religious art works.
26th April 2011 You can now see how this drawing above is almost finished all I needed was an idea mapped out on paper took a little while to get that idea drawn out but here it is. You can see the emotion in the sky, it represents an autistics feelings which are usually all mixed up feelings for us are hard to understand. I've actually started on the final piece today on canvas but I want to research German Expressionism colours again before i start painting the building tomorrow i will show you the start of the final piece. :o)
Wednesday May 4th 2011
Hello yippeeeee!!! the final painting has been started. I had bit of trouble with cheap paints which weren't vibrant enough to make purple it was bothering me so I borrowed some of the studios spectrum acrylic colour, i mixed it with almost everything LOL to brighten the painting up, i mixed it with blue, red, and orange the blue was really dull so i took a large blob or spectrum purple and mixed it with my cheap prussian blue paint that brightened that up. You can see here opposite right how its dull the above shot is slightly brighter that's because I added more paint. there are a few faults with the prep drawings which i know about and am correcting in the final piece.
Its not particularly the expressionists style that I find pleasing its the colours they use I have my own style. I also like Fauvism for the colours they used as well anything with vivid colour I seem to just like a lot.
I was thinking how I could make that ellipse better on that fish bowl I perspective of that is wrong, also i need to look into where exactly the shadows would be at sunset as the picture is set at sunset and i drew the observational drawing of the building which is actually garages during the day. That's easily sorted stay till really late and look at the shadows in the setting outside the window :o)
I wondered why i couldt post a Great to see your art work developing.:)
ReplyDeleteI have taking digifoto 2 night of the moon will post them on autismhangout, a very positive site where we can help each other and reciceve help-yes i dslexic as well as my name is Ben Braid your friend on facebook,so dont panick.:)
Just wrote a whole bunch of stuff posted and rudeything are u, i take it facebook getting abit hectic-dont worry :) I rang NAS helpline few weeks back and the human, remindec me Im in control, not facebook. Mostly i read and delete and keep it in control. i dont bother looking at all the face requsting/possible friends. mainly i got stuff on Autism and this site on gluten/dairy free diet-great food. lol. still got to get my act to gether and fix a to get a bread maker, 2.29-2.49 way to expensive for bread. Im going back to cooking vegetarian food over the next few months. stopped eating bacon after got a VIVA leaflet with my copy New Humanist this month-mans cruelty know no bounds-bit like how i feel neuros treat me.Got some article i think you might like 2 look at. will post when i find paperwork :) my space is abit chaotic at the moment, cant concentrate a whole lot and my sleep patterns well out-though sleeping better now-Cat naps help;)
ReplyDeleteAre u on skype lisa, cost nothing to talkjust broadband connection your paying for any way. Also do you get Aspergers United - free from NAS dont have to be a member. remeber your not alone:) early dx isnt easy. Smile:) thinking of you happy and whole. WHere not broken,just different:)
ReplyDeleteThank you that is lovely, Yes I've had to change my diet too. Since ive taken all colourants, additives and chemicals like salycilates from my diet I'm a much happier person, my skin is better, my hair and eyes are shiny and I don't have as many sickness and panic attacks things are definitely looking up.
ReplyDeleteHi Ben was to hear from you. x Thank you for your comments. I've had a look on autism hangout its a good web site x