Saturday, 16 April 2011

Hello and happy easter

Hello to my new followers thanks for being here. I was diagnosed as being autistic two years ago and with my new friend have started to love painting again. I have started a whole new project because this one well it didnt work out. I'm spending most of my hours every day at my studio and am loving every minute being there. My new project im just loving now that I have a new art friend to share my ideas with. I will be posting more of my new project work here.

14th April 2011

I haven't done a lot today because I had an autism meltdown it took a while for it to stop about one hour and 30 minutes. When id stopped crying though I did work on the drawing a little. You can see what ive been working on today on my blog page list titled ''Goldfish Bowl'' I'm very happy with how the project is progressing.'' :o)

Wednesday 27th April

Today I didn't make any more art because I was waiting for somebody visiting my house to fix mold in my bathroom, but I did go into town to buy more paint and primer today. Will be doing my research into German Expressionism just to refresh my memory about it and to look at the colours again I will be choosing an Expressionist artist to research from one of my art books upstairs. Ill will be working on this after i have been food shopping at ASDA ill be going there at six, then ill come back and get some art done.


  1. Whats your email address Lisa? I read The goldfish Bowl,and have written some comments, however would prefer to email my thoughts.

  2. If you want to talk to me you can private msg me on facebook if you like I'm out mostly during the day though :o)x
