Monday, 9 May 2011

Artists Varnish

I was saying I wont be posting any-more images until I get a digital camera, because I cant seem to hold the phone straight and its bad quality images taking pictures and uploading them from a mobile phone.

Hello everybody hope you all had a nice day. Its been a great day at the art studio with my painting. My very pleased with how the painting is progressing its looking amazing. There was only one way to solve the annoying brightening problem its called ''VARNISH'' lol :oD #

When you are making a painting some people are tempted to put varnish all over the painting I would say dont do that. One should use varnish only in certain areas. The sky looks amazing that ive painted the violet areas with varnish and ive drawn most of the building in the background onto the canvas. Unfortunately I could not take a picture today because my phone ran out of batteries, i dont have enough money to buy a digital camera at the moment so em im using mobile uploads I know not great. I will show you how the final piece is looking tomorrow then you can post me your thoughts. I'd like to hear people views on how I can improve it and what you think of it. :o) I bought this exact same brand today, reeves aren't a bad brand really there stuff is ok. It does the job and its well cheap priced it i bet if id gone to the city art store it   would have been about £10 for some varnish it maybe isn't as shiny but its ok :)

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