Saturday, 14 May 2011

First class honours

 A SPIRIT LEVEL 16th may 2011
With me having astigmatism in my eyes sometimes straight lines appear slanted to me even when I have my corrective lenses in this is becoming a technical problem for me in my paintings. I have decided to solve this problem tomorrow by buying a spirit level first thing in the morning i am off to B&Q to buy the spirit level.

Today the spirit level I didn't need to use the only on the top line on the left hand side of the roof, but my other lines were exactly in the centre this surprised me a lot. I said I wasn't going to post any more images, but the phone will have to do for now ill show you the perspective lines.

I was given first class honours because I was consistent all the way through my degree. Here are some of my grades. 

.For ART271 Fine art contemporary practice I was given 70-100% overall grade 72% 

. Module assessment report I was given a whopping 85 in 2007

. For ART246 Fine Art Methodology i gained the full 40 credits and was given overall grade 73%

. For ART346 in my last year Fine art presentation module 001 coursework I was given 75%

. For DWG101 in my first year  I was given the overall grade 63%

. ART190 I was graded 69% Can I ask you a question (''why am I still sitting here?'') I cannot believe with these grades that somebody from the art world has not found me already. What more do I have to achieve before the R.A will accept me.

The art market favours those that are ''avant garde and modern'' Its not that I don't like modern art its just seems if a person work is bought by sacchii then it is seen as talented and is but if one is a painter one it seems is left behind. Surely anybody not just I that's gets a grade like 85 at degree level deserves a chance. but the art crits and art market do not accept new people very often. A person with a grade like 85 deserves at least a chance to go to the RA and be be recognised by the art world 85 is brilliant. A person deserves it with a grade like that its clear has potential to do well there. 

I am just hoping that one day somebody from the art world will read this and at least have a chat with me that is all I can hope for.

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