Sunday, 8 May 2011

'Goldfish Bowl' The poem that inspired latest project

Here is the poem that inspired my latest project ''Goldfish bowl" a big thanks to John Makin for letting me post his poem on here, great poem. The poem describes his view on how it feels living in the world of ''autism''.

"Goldfish Bowl"

Like a goldfish in a bowl
Swimming round and round
Seeing everything outside
And hearing every sound

And yet that world is so remote
The world for which one aches
Beyond the boundary of the bowl
The glass that separates

Experience has etched the glass
Has coloured all we see
Distorting what is in the past
And what we think might be

It leaves a scratch, a stain, a smear
It darkens what was light
It clouds what once we thought was clear
Makes dull what once was bright

And what it does is permanent
We can't wipe it away
We cannot make it as it was
What's changed is here to stay

Another way may yet be found
To view what is outside
A distant scene upon a screen
A camera can provide

For we may have a perfect view
On CCTV screen
Where we can see each tender hue
Of lovely vibrant green

But that view is never true
It cannot really be
For what is real is what we feel
Not what we only see

Does the rain there really fall?
The sun there really shine?
If I can't touch the things I feel
Are those feelings mine?

How can we know if it exists
Or is it in a dream
When we can never taste or touch
Or feel what we have seen

How can we know the world outside
With which we're out of phase
From which we hear constant complaint
And not a word of praise

The view we have is so remote
As seen through others eyes
We can only try and cope
But is it telling lies?

How can we know what is out there
Outside this lifeless cell
Beyond the walls so stark and bare
This prison where we dwell.


  1. Great poem! I like it! thanks for sharing this!...Daniel

  2. No bother big thanks to John Makin for letting me post it.
