Monday, 16 May 2011

Colour Charts

Ok lets kick some artistic peoples butts. Lets take four of my very favourite paintings and picks out all the colours in all four paintings paint all the colours on a colour chart and see what colours we can find to use in my painting. Wow this should be very interesting indeed. :o) This painting is juicy girls under trees, look at all the colours in this. Of course you have to know how to use each colour properly you cant just stick any colour anywhere eg blue for shadow, yellow and cream for highlights.

From top to middle to bottom girls under trees august mak, Emile nolde white tree trunks, and Paul Signac Papal palace avignon. looking at all these colours i feel ill its psychedelic LOL XoD HAha ok lets just look at three lol

Always loved this not because of the style again because of his use of colour Paul Signac Papal palace Avignon if that's the correct spelling unbelievable use of colour.

That's enough ive given myself enough here. You might be thinking ''why bright colours, with such a negative subject matter?'' Well autism is considered to be on a ''spectrum'' when we think of spectrum we think of rainbow its almost sickly maybe over powering but so is living on the autistic spectrum. Ok really am going night night people X

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