Saturday, 14 May 2011

Monets Gardens Giverny

Monets paintings are very detailed aren't they. I kind of know how he did it though and if I was in the correct frame of mind and spent a long time building up the layers of colour I honestly think I could make a painting like that but it would take me a long time. I mean how many layers of colour are on that painting on the first darker layer more than five, Its like the darkest green maybe even prussian blue then about seven shades of green, six shades of yellow, then another later of about six different shades of darker green like viridian hue plus about another seven shades of yellow and dots of red using different hues lol it would take me ages to paint like that. Wow yep I agree one would need an awful lot of paint, one can tell he had a lot of money I couldn't afford to paint like that one would go through at least ten tubes of paint in a day making that.

 You know what I think he's done right he's just taken every different shade of green know to man, viridian hue, and sap green, bottle green hes taken all the greens know to an artist then tinted them all with yellow and other greens to make another 20 shades of green, then hes done it with all the other colours too LOL hes probably ended up with a full colour chart of shades of the same colours like 20 shades of yellow and 20 shades of green. I mean think about it how many different shades of green can one tube of sap green make the answer is a lot. Hes probably mixed pure unmixed greens together too to make more greens LOL mad. Van Gogh had 20 different shades of yellow in his studio. Monet has probably had god knows how many shades of the same colour, I mean with one tube of green one can make 20 shades of the same colour at varying hues and shades, add more shades of green from different tubes and tint the shades with blue and yellow one would end up with maybe 40 shades of green LOL that is a crazy amount of green wow my eyes are seeing green just thinking about it. If one adds blue to green one ends up with a darker shade of green add varying amounts of yellow to green one would have different shades of the same colour the possibilities are endless ive no idea how many tubes of paint he used to make that.

In fact he probably already had a colour chart made before he started the painting that is in the museum d,orsay Paris on the front of that book. I also do that (make colour charts) in fact im making one for the Goldfish Painting he probably made his colour chart before hand or he already had one made making a colour chart is a very organised and sensible thing to do. He's an expressionist painter they studied the effects of light and colour. The sensible thing for me to do would be for me to research into Itton colour theory book refresh my memory on colour theory before I start my own colour chart. Ill be working with pure pigment i wont be mixing red or blue to make violet or red and yellow to make orange ill be using pure pigment for that with artist quality paint. Ill already have shades of artist quality green too in tubs i wont be mixing the colours except to make them lighter by tinting them or making the colours darker by adding a vibrant blue maybe a brilliant red or crimson I want all my colours vibrant not muddied.

Monets working from dark to light im actually doing the opposite I think im working from light to dark because my under painting is yellow ive honestly no idea why I started a yellow under painting, I think it was because of the sky so I just made the whole under painting yellow without thinking too much about it ''sunset coloured'' under painting I could have made the under painting red if I had wanted then it would have been better but im admitting that now but light to dark might be still ok notice how ive added orange over the yellow and not green to start with build up the colours slowly.

1 comment:

  1. Wow thanks for explaining how green is n shades is doen, used to have a bauhauas book with there color wheel which was real , theres a american system i utilise but cant remember the name, occultists use it to traion there minds in color sequencing.hope this post gets through, my aol ac hacked, bit worrying cos ive payed foe stuff on amazon and donations to sophia lancaster foundation , plus my ARC voleenter password was on there , so im going to have to write to CLASS and tell them.Look forward to seeing your new picture develpo, bye for now. Ben-sometime Pumoconcolor aka Panthera Tigris(tiger) othertimes Sur Real Cat
